Become an ACMPTA member!

Membership is important!

Being a member gives you the right to

*Vote on PTA budget items;

*Vote for leadership;

*Have a voice at the State and National PTA levels;

*Supports our school as a small portion of your membership dues goes towards fundraising!

$12 per person, $20 per household!

Sign up and pay for your membership in Memberhub at 

To pay by check or money order, send the payment via backpack mail in a sealed envelope to the attention of ACMPTA/Kia Haynes. You may also drop it off to school, when open, between 9:15AM and 3:15PM.

Sign up for your FREE Memberhub account today!

To sign up/renew your membership, update your information, receive communication, and access calendar dates, create a FREE account at 

Own, work or volunteer for an organization that can benefit MPSA? Add this to your bio for others to reach you!